How To Convert Address To Ufixed In Solidity?

In Solidity, you might sometimes want to convert an Ethereum address to a ufixed type.

While Solidity does not directly support the conversion of an address to a ufixed type, we can perform some operations on the address to achieve a similar outcome.

Here is a detailed guide to guide you through this process.

Step 1: Understand Ufixed

The ufixed data type in Solidity is a value type used for fixed-point arithmetic. It represents numbers with a definite number of digits after the decimal point. However, note that ufixed is not yet supported in the latest versions of Solidity, so the process might adapt slightly based on this.

Step 2: Convert Address to Uint

First, we have to convert the address to a uint. This is done by casting the address directly to a uint type.

Example Code:

address myAddress = 0x1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef12345678;
uint addressAsUint = uint(myAddress);


  • An address (myAddress) is defined.
  • The address is cast to uint using uint(myAddress). This gives you a numeric representation of the address.

Step 3: Convert Uint to Ufixed

Since Solidity doesn’t natively support fixed-point numbers in the latest versions, you would typically use a decimal library or create a scale factor if working with fixed-point representation. To simulate fixed-point, multiply the uint value by a predetermined scale.

Example Code:

uint scaleFactor = 1e18; // Define a scale for fixed-point representation
uintufixedValue = addressAsUint * scaleFactor;


  • We define a scaleFactor. Here, 1e18 is used, which represents 10^18. This common value is often used in financial applications for high precision.
  • Multiply the uint representation of the address by the scaling factor to simulate the ufixed.

Step 4: Use the Result

After conversion, you can use the uintufixedValue in your smart contract for further calculations, depending on your requirements.

Example Code:

function getAddressAsUfixed(address _address) public view returns (uint) {
    uint addressAsUint = uint(_address);
    uint scaleFactor = 1e18;
    return addressAsUint * scaleFactor;


  • The function getAddressAsUfixed takes an address as an input.
  • It converts the address to uint and scales it.
  • The function returns the scaled value representing the address in a simulated ufixed format.

Important Notes

  • This method does not produce a true ufixed value, as Solidity’s support for ufixed has been limited and might change in the future.
  • Always consider the scale when performing calculations to ensure you maintain the desired level of precision.
  • Be aware that converting addresses to numbers can lead to collisions (e.g., different addresses producing the same numeric output) when not scaled properly.

By following these steps, you can convert an address to a form that can be treated similarly to ufixed for your smart contract logic.